With no registered chemicals available for chalkbrood control, the only means of controlling the disease is through management practices and use of disease-resistant bees.
There is no effective chemical agent effective for use against chalkbrood fungus, therefore, chemicals are not recommended for the treatment of chalkbrood.
Management practices
Management practices that reduce the stress on hives also reduce the number of chalkbrood spores. Maintaining strong healthy colonies has been demonstrated to reduce the effects of chalkbrood.
Management practices which may reduce the effects of chalkbrood disease are:
removing 'mummies' from bottom boards and around the entrance
destroying combs containing large numbers of 'mummies'
supplying new combs
providing good ventilation in hives
adding young adult bees to hives
not allowing bees to winter in a hive that is over supered
feeding sugar syrup, fresh uncontaminated pollen or supplements
maintaining strong hives by regular re-queening
reducing or preventing interchange of hive materials
not using the same site each year - if possible shift the apiary site slightly.
Good hygiene will also help. Change clothes and disinfect smokers, boots and hive tools using chlorine bleach between apiaries or infected hives.