We bought another home this summer, and it sits in the middle of sixty some odd acres. No one has lived on the place for two and one-half years, and the pastures have not been sprayed with pesticides, nor has the house and barns. I am amazed at the abundance of wasps, spiders, toad frogs, and such. The pastures have a good stand of improved bermuda grass that I believe is a Tifton grass. Several of my neighbors want to lease the grass pastures for hay, but I have been telling them there would be no pesticides sprayed on the grass. Most hay farmers want to rid the world of grass hoppers. If no one wants to do it my way, I will suck it up and do it myself.
This is the only place west of Fort Worth where I have ever seen yellow jackets. I had a soft drink spill on my patio table, and when I went to clean it up there were four yellow jackets lapping up the coke. I like living where there is more nature, and the yellow jackets are just another necessary evil.