Finally the contractor arrived to start site work on our property in Lockhartville where my extracting shop (office trailer) will go. Of course it has to start raining when this happens.

First thing to go was a massive willow stump that just kept sending up new growth, right in front of a lilac bush.

Then the actual pad goes in. Al organic material has to be removed and replaced with gravel. They used the organic material to level off the property behind the pad.

Any extra fill is being used to create a "road" towards the back of the property, where there is a small clearing/meadow behind the massive willow, which is where I want to move the hives I keep here, away from the road. When I first saw this "road" going in, it was nothing more than a couple loads of fill with the tops knocked off, but when I returned it looks like a highway. It's about half way there and then they will make a nice "pad" for about a dozen hives. This area is "swampy", no actual water setting there, but the ground is so uneven it was hard to even walk back behind the willow, never mind trying to drive in. I only hope the road doesn't stop the deer that have young underneath the big willow each year, but it probably will.

It is exciting to see it all actually starting to happen, but could it not have happened when I am at my busiest?