I keep my hives in full sun because deep shade and shb / mites took out my first hive, with a nice toasty temp near 100.
I am in Texas. Since my bee yard is about 95 degrees or higher for about 6 months out of the year, over 100 for 2 to 3 months out of the year, I changed my solid bottom boards out to sbb's, and I keep oil sticky sheets under them in the winter. I will check my brood pattern in February or so and see if the "not filling frame" is true, but to be honest, looking through old pics I have on file, I'm not seeing a problem. My bees are VSH, which means they remove the varroa and drop them, and the oiled sticky which I make myself for less than a dollar a piece does a real nice job of catching them. I build my own sbb's, they aren't perfect but they work for me.