Swarm calls started coming in around 3pm like always around here. I arrived a few minutes too late for my annual "Willow Street Bees." They flew off. I caught a second swarm on a bush. Went home to get more gear for a third swarm on a tree 15 ft northward on a tree infested with poison ivy. I checked my yard real quick before heading out and found either a pocket swarm or remnants of a larger swarm. I left them. However, will check on them tomorrow. I didn't have any luck with the trees 15ft on the tree. I tried lemon grass oil, drawn comb both. I did manage to get a few hundred in a nuc which I set below the tree with wishful thinking. I decided falling from the ladder and/or contracting poison ivy was not worth those bees. They will find a good home somewhere in nature if they don't find the box I left for them. I did enjoy the barn owl watching over me the entire time I tried to grab those tree bees. The video is short and not incredibly impressive. I am plum tired.