Author Topic: Our first of the year.  (Read 5230 times)

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Offline Alleyyooper

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Our first of the year.
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:49:13 am »
May 26 about 6:00 am a doe walks out of the woods and stops by the salt block I have out the living room window by the creek. She isn't there a minute and a wobbly legged fawn comes out of the woods to join her. Once the fawn showed the doe was off again to find a hiding spot for her new baby for the day.

June 3d Kare and I fix sandwiches for dinner (lunch for city slickers who do not have supper.) in the kitchen. When finished we carried them to the dinning room and was about to set down when Kare says here comes a doe. A little bundle of energy followed close behind. The doe get even with the window and looks up as if to say see my baby then lays down. The fawn was wound up and kept running back and forth across the mowed part with the doe laying right in the middle. Little one was able to stretch it's legs out after laying tight all morning. She stayed there about an hour them moved up the hill into the front yard across it to the pines.

I still have not figured out with this camera how to make stills of running deer or other critters.

Finally it stopped for a bit of lunch and a bit of cleaning by mom.

Had a different mom bring one for me to see fathers day but I have not got the pictures off the camera yet.

This is nothing new for us as we have a doe that places her fawns in one of our flower beds to stay every year.
I talk to the does all the time and walk with in 10 feet of them with out them running off. Probably could hand feed them if I put more effort in it.

 ;D  Al
your not fully dressed with out a smile.

Offline Perry

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Re: Our first of the year.
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2016, 06:55:59 am »
You're a lucky guy to have them so willing to share them with you.
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