100 Plants to Feed the Bees by the Xerces Society.
This is a great field guide for beekeepers and friends of pollinators in North America just published. I stumbled upon this on Amazon. As you might guess, the book contains plant profiles on 100 top flowers, trees, shrubs, herbs and pasture plants that provide food or shelter. The plants are listed in alphabetical order by common name so you don't need a degree in horticulture to know what the plants are.
The pictures are nicely done often including and identifying native bee species. Each plant profile contains which pollinators visit the plant, the quality of honey the nectar produces, bloom data, landscape uses, planting tips, and quick map showing native range. The recommended plants are mostly natives, but they do include non-natives with reservations. Cautions on pesticide use, a quick botany lesson, and brief honey bee anatomy are also included.