Hi again,
Been a while since I posted (been reading), been rather busy with work, life, family, all the little things...
But my hive has finally arrived!
Slowmodem was thoughtful enough to invite me to a short-course put on by his local Beek's, and I purchased a package of Italian bee's from them due in approx. April 8th (great price, only $100!).
My hive is the starter kit from BetterBee.com, 2x 10-frame deep hive-bodies and 2 medium supers, feeder, cover, frames (w/ foundation) etc., the works! I've got to assemble and paint it, but there's a long list of honey-do's it will get added to.
We've got 17 acre's of woods here in Eastern Tennessee for them to make home. I've seen a few other hives in the general area, though nothing right nearby. Area is mostly woods and pasture, with water about 200 yards away from the sunny-spot I want to put the hive (year-round stream and Watts Bar Lake).
I've already got some seeds started for flowering plants, and planted a Tetradium thanks to Slowmodem, but figure I'll have to do some feeding for several years until I can improve the local flora. There are lots of flowering tree's and shrubs compliments of the previous land owner, but I'm guessing nectar will be scarce.
Looking forward to finally getting started and having lots of questions for the group!
- Kevin