Or am I just meddling when I should be leaving well enough alone?
We'd tried a split, one hive ended up queenless.
We recombined the split into a single hive.
We checked on the hive yesterday, and couldn't find the marked queen. Instead, we saw two empty queen cells, and twio capped queen cells. There was some brood, but I didn't see any eggs.
I called around, and was able to order a new queen that I'll pick up tomorrow evening.
Back into the hive to kill any queen cells that we find.
And there was the queen, running and hiding.
The queen cell had a live pupa. So, we split the hive again. An easy split, since both brood boxes had brood and stores.
The new queen goes in the queenless hive on Friday. Hopefully, the bees will think they've swarmed.
Or maybe it was meant to be a supercedure, and the existing queen is fading fast.
So many unknowns for us newbees. It is so easy to second guess and even third guess ourselves.
BTW, just because I didn't see any eggs, doesn't mean they weren't there.