I've got some questions about my hive. It's my first hive, from BetterBee.com w/ the hive-top feeder (feeder is the white rectangle under the top cover in the pic, there is a chute on the underside that gives the bee's access to the sugar water).
A package of 3 lbs. Italian bee's w/ a marked queen were installed 1 week ago.
It has 2x 10-frame deep's and 2 medium supers. I set it up w/ the 2 deeps initially.
I put all 10-frames inside the bottom deep, and 1 frame in the upper deep when I installed the package (leaving myself room for the queen cage, feeding can, etc. on top of the frames in the bottom deep). Popped the cork on the queen cage, dumped in the bee's, and slapped the cover on it.
When I first setup the hive, I had the bottom board upside down and backwards. The entrance reducer was not fitting well either (but I was nervous and anxious about all the bee's swarming about). So on Tues. I took a peek at the hive and fixed the issue w/ the bottom board and entrance reducer. The bee's were using the hive top feeder (chute was entirely filled w/ bee's), but the bee's were huddled in the upper corner of the deep on top (empty but for 1 frame). It looked like a swarm inside the hive, none were flying outside (guessing they were all surrounding the queen to keep her warm? It was a cold windy day).
I fixed the bottom board and entrance reducer, topped up the sugar water and left them be.
Today I peeked at the bee's again. Weather was nice, and the bee's were coming and going. A yellow-ish white pollen was visible on some of the one's returning. The feeder and chute were filled, and starting to get some comb? I lifted the feeder off the top and the bee's were visible in the open area's of the topmost deep. I couldn't tell if there were any bee's down below in the frames in the 1st deep (didn't open it that much, just lifted the edge a little).
I'm concerned that the bee's appear to be inhabiting the open area's of the hive, and aren't moving down into the frames. I'd like to do a proper inspection (e.g. pull frames and locate the queen), and fill the upper deep w/ frames, but not sure if that's the right course of action? Would I be better off removing the 2nd deep, to force them into the 1st deep, and then add the 2nd deep on again in a few weeks? Or am I being a nervous Neddy, and let the bee's do as the bee's please? I know it's too early to put on the excluder and the supers. Right now we have a lot of tree pollen in the area. Some flowering shrubs, and my apple tree's are blooming very nearby. Bee's appear to be leaving/coming in all directions, so not sure where they're getting the pollen, but it's clearly visible on the one's coming back in (some landing short of the entrance, resting, then going into the hive). There's even signs of some honey-ish looking stuff in some of the comb I can see through the plexi-glass in the feeder?!
Thanks for the advice.
- Kevin