Hello everyone.
Posted a thread 3 weeks ago about catching a swarm from my two hives. I have been waiting to see some eggs from my two hives that swarmed, caught one and one got away. I also pulled a nuc out of the one hive that I caught the swarm from and put aside.
Just an interesting observation, the two original hives took almost 3 weeks to get the new queens laying. I would say based on the larvae development that they are 5-6 days old. The nuc, that the queen hatched out and mated and already got three partial frames with capped brood so I'm guessing she has been laying for at least 9-11 days I'm guessing, maybe a few days more. Interesting how the nuc got out and breed and back to work laying well ahead of the two swarmed hives. Wonder if it is just coincidence or maybe something to do with the size of the hive, 4 frame nuc vs 2-deep brood boxes with honey supers on.
so I'm happy, got all the virgins mated and back and laying!