"Here is a link to a thread here on WWB where riverbee shared her recipies. I'm thinking you could use several of THESE pans to bake a sugar block in instead of the other pans and paper. If anyone tries it, let us know. I already use one of these pans to make wax blocks in the solar wax melter. The silicone pan peels off with ease.
Doh! I see riverbee already linked that recipe thread... "LOL lee! some years back my mother in law decided we needed silicone pans...............
(muffin type, cake pan, meatloaf type pan)
they have all been used for wax processing and work great!.............
i use them in my solar melter as well and/or for straining wax in my new wax melter. just a tip........use a bit of mold release in these for repeated wax use.
a few of these would work great for sugar bricks!