I’ve had pretty good luck with my first package this year. I currently have three hives. The original is two 10 frame deep boxes with no sign of a queen. I think she swarmed in early July. I introduced a new queen 2 or 3 weeks ago.
The other two hives are single 10 frame deeps, with queens, about half drawn, each with 2 full frames of capped brood. Both queens are home grown.
I put a frame with eggs and larvae from one of the small hives into the large hive yesterday. I’m thinking I might put a similar frame into a nuc box with a honey/pollen frame for insurance.
I also started feeding all three.
Am I to late to build a new queen and hope to get through the winter with all three hives? Should I just combine the three hives into two now, and not wait to see if I am successful in getting a new queen?
I’m in central Illinois, where we have had really cold winters recently.