I have had good results with a simple trap I use. I mostly use it for yellow jackets but red wasps and hornets get caught also.
Take a soda bottle, 2 liter or 3 liter, cut the top off at the point where it starts to narrow. Fill about a quarter full with 2-1 sugar syrup. Add a piece of meat. Don't use hot dogs, baloney or anything with preservatives in it-you want it to rot. Place the top without the cap upside down in the bottle.
If you think your honey bees will bother it, cover it up until the meat starts to rot and smell. Once the meat is nasty and stinky it will repel honey bees. Then uncover it and the wasps will come, go inside and get confused on how to get out, eventually drowning in the syrup.
When all I want is yellow jackets, I don't cut the neck off. I just drill 5/16" holes at the base of the neck and leave the cap on. Killed thousands last fall like that.
Hope this is useful.