Taking on more responsibility.
In the past when asked If I would let my name stand for a position in the bee club, I would decline as I was involved in the setting up and coordinating the beekeeping display at the Armstrong Fair as well as arranging the volunteers to man the display and answer questions. I felt I had enough going on and that some others could step up and assist. When Dan was moving and the only ones considering to become president being fairly new to beekeeping. Dan ask that i take on being president while the new beekeepers gained more experience. In talking on being president it allowed me a little more freedom in setting up the deal with the college and the club. I did keep the club and the executive informed thru the process and the club authorized me spending $2000.00 in setting up the apiary.
As of Jan 1st 2019, the Canadian Food and Drug has moved to have restrictions on drugs used in the production of food. This has caused some of the drugs used on bees to have to be dispensed by Veterinarians. It was suggested by the Provincial Agriculturalist that the club contact vets and see if any are willing to work with the beekeepers, bee inspectors and be vets for the bee club rather than every beekeeper having to find one that is willing to work with bees and beekeepers. This is the latest project I have been working on. Getting beekeepers out to meetings can be difficult. Advertising and getting your event out there is key to attracting new members. Having our club name where ones in the community will come across it, we have a web page set up with meeting announcements, Contact information, services provided by members (pollination, swarm catchers, queens, nucs) and links to resources and supplies. As a way for beekeepers in the club to to reach out for help and to post what is happening in their hives and to ask questions, post upcoming events, The club decided it would be beneficial to set up a North Okanagan Beekeepers Facebook Page. We have also reached out to the lawn, garden, pest, and tree service companies to make them aware that there are beekeepers ready able and willing to rescue bees and provide them with a list of where to find beekeepers to this.
All the work is starting to pay off as our meeting attendance has risen from 30 to 40 at a meeting to over 60 at the last meeting.