Baker, the stack is two mediums, plus one super which is half filled with nectar and some capped honey. There is a lot of bees in there! but 80% drones. There is no evidence of any eggs from working layers, it's past that phase, all drones have hatched. A month ago-ish it was a bustling hive. We've been taking care of my failing father in law, and time simply got away from me. But my three other hives are doing well.
Tech, I have done the shake out on my lawn before when it's been older worker bees, but this is a lot of drones going into three other hives, and they are going to eat them out of house and home. We are just coming out of our usual summer dearth and the new rush of nectar is on its way. Not a good time for a load of drones that will gobble it down.
Iddee, I always appreciate your 'to the point' instruction

I think I will take this hive a half mile up the road and knock them out there, I live on the edge of the city and we have more backyard beeks around than ever before. I'm thinking that the drones will spread out and knock on some other doors.
Thanks guys!