I found a slow, but effective method to de-crystallize honey. This works only in small batches and if you have plenty of time. The positive side to this method is you will not over heat your honey!
My story:
Many of you know I like to cook. Sometimes I watch those fancy cooking competitions on TV. I observed a chef on TV using the sous vide method to prepare something. Since then I have seen this method used several times. If you are not familiar, this is how it works. Place your meat, eggs, etc. in a plastic bag with the air removed. Submerge is in a water bath. Place the sous vide device in the water and set the temperature (I did about 110 degrees) for how ever long you want ( I set mine for about 2 hours, but kept checking on the de-crystallization).
When the honey was sufficiently heated to remove the sugar crystals, I stopped the process.
Results: Works like a charm on small quantities of honey. No over heated honey! I still have honey that has a light color.
I am filling 2 oz. bears for wedding favors. You get a lot of bears without using much honey in those small bears. I filled 4 pint jars at a time, set the temperature, and set the time. No worries about over heating.
I have used this device on pork chops, and they were very tender.