It was listed at $27 a gallon on Amazon!
iddee's link shows the label is Harvest Lane Honey. If that is the brand name on the HFCS you have shown, I have a problem with the quality of their products. There is a great Mom & Pop hardware store with a fantastic reputation, but they carry this brand of bee equipment. Our local bee club has been working with them to make a connection with another local organization that produces bee equipment made by military veterans. Many products, in the Harvest Lane Honey line, are simply useless, poor quality, and expensive. Only and experienced beekeeper would know that.
The product in your picture contains Sodium Laurel Sulfate. That's the ingredient found in many cleaning and personal care products. That's what contributes to foaming and bubbles. My son has to use toothpaste that is Sodium Laurel Sulfate free because it will cause sores in his mouth. No thanks.
Sorry for the Sunday morning sermon.

I agree with iddee.