Author Topic: Prototype Vaporizer - after johno's design  (Read 19996 times)

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Re: Prototype Vaporizer - after johno's design
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2020, 01:57:26 pm »
Lburou hasn't been on the forum since May. Send him a PM and he will receive an email and may come on to read it.
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Re: Prototype Vaporizer - after johno's design
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2020, 08:25:55 pm »
What you are doing is going to cost too much in materials and labor (which has to be figured in). I agree that the boxes John and I use look cheap and would use some better looking if avalable at a good price. I made about 4 designs before before I settled on what I wanted for me with no intention of making them to sell, and then I showed it off at my bee clubs. How much to make me one? Then it got on youtube and I was swamped with orders. I have shipped to Hawaii and Islands off of WA. state with no complaints about my product, but received many thanks and a few repeat orders. My price reflects the cost of the parts and my labor @ just over min wage. I am now going into my third year and yes, sales have slowed the past few months. I have not minded the break. Good luck, don't expect to get rich. PM me here if can help you.
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Re: Prototype Vaporizer - after johno's design
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2020, 12:50:35 am »
What you are doing is going to cost too much in materials and labor (which has to be figured in). I agree that the boxes John and I use look cheap and would use some better looking if avalable at a good price. I made about 4 designs before before I settled on what I wanted for me with no intention of making them to sell, and then I showed it off at my bee clubs. How much to make me one? Then it got on youtube and I was swamped with orders. I have shipped to Hawaii and Islands off of WA. state with no complaints about my product, but received many thanks and a few repeat orders. My price reflects the cost of the parts and my labor @ just over min wage. I am now going into my third year and yes, sales have slowed the past few months. I have not minded the break. Good luck, don't expect to get rich. PM me here if can help you.

I have too much going on to try and make money on these but I do want to address all the weak points of the ones out there. Mine won't be cheap, I have a machine shop and know I can make $100.00 an hour so I'm just trying to build a better mousetrap.