Last spring I caught a very, very large swarm. They remained strong all summer, went into winter packed with bees and food. They were so heavy I couldn't lift the brood boxes to see how much food stores they had. (Great feeling knowing they were really heavy going into winter) Yesterday I decided to tackle this hive and see where the brood was, reverse hive bodies if possible, and most importantly move them to a sturdier hive stand. The queen had laid eggs in the top brood box and there was brood in the second. No reversing. I did get them moved to a sturdier hive stand about 1 foot away. Didn't see any drone cells yet, but this is a hive that will swarm the first chance it gets. I put a 3rd brood box on top that had all drawn comb and some honey stored. Lots of room for them to spread their wings and the queen to lay. I can probably get 3 maybe 4 splits out of this hive.