Yesterday was a good day. I went to a hockey game last night and my team did what it had to.
I came home, relaxed, and just before bed I got a phone call. I was a little caught off guard as it showed up as a call from my old hometown in BC. I thought maybe my mom or one of my two brothers was calling but nope......................
It was Apisbees!
Now anyone that knows me, knows that I don't usually stay up late, 10 pm (Eastern) is usually my hay time, I can occasionally be pushed to 11 pm, but can think of only one occasion where I stayed up past midnight in the last year or so.
When I finally hung up the phone with him it was 10 minutes shy of 1 am, and my phone said we had been talking for and hour and 51 minutes.
I don't know about him, but I had a great time, laughed a lot, and learned some stuff. He is always willing to help out with information, in fact, my honey house was built around a design that he had drawn up to help me. His knowledge regarding honey is incredible, and his experience with the bees is vast. Of course none of that would matter if he wasn't prepared to share it.
Thanks Apis for answering my questions. Hope we can do it again!