Hi Baker and 15th, two of my best bee buddies use it every spring, then Apivar in the fall. They haven't had any problems with the Formic Pro that they know of. But some beekeepers have had some trouble with a few dead bees and dead queens. That could be an application problem, maybe climate too hot. Plus, it is advised to not use it in your Fall treatment. It says that the treatment doesn't kill the queen, that the bees supercede the queen after the treatment. I'm thinking that maybe the treatment does something to the queens pheromones?
Anyway, My two best hives every year have a 4 year old queen and a 3 year old queen. They are Italian queens, I love Italian queens. Anyway, I'm concerned about the age of these two queens and the Formic Pro. I know that the bees will make another queen of the same genetics, but I'm rather attached to these two queens and want to keep them as long as I can.
Baker the link from honey bee healthy coalition is pretty cool! 15th I'll take a look at your link next.
Thanks Ladies