okay, so when I picked them up Monday it was a balmy 34 and snowing.
Yesterday when I installed, it was 47 and partly cloudy. tomorrow back in 30s again but 70's this weekend. Welcome to WI.

I did not have anything that could handle a split at the moment, otherwise, easy decision.
After calling some members of my brain trust (sorry Bakers, I don't have your phone number yet) as I didn't get any action here in time, I decided to set up a separate nuc, and take some bees from each package and added my extra queen.
Perry was mentioning a study where a single frame of bees on drawn comb added in June were able to build up to overwintering strength. As I had plenty of drawn comb, this seemed like a great idea.
Iddee reminded me of the quote from Michael Bush who said (paraphrasing here) mix bees from two colonies and they fight... mix bees from three colonies and they will get along fine.
And Lazybkpr reminded me I needed rum! (his response is noted previously)