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Offline rober

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odd observation
« on: May 31, 2022, 11:13:27 am »
i have too many frames that are full of honey & need some empty comb to give some queens someplace to lay. i set out 2 deep boxes of honey frames for the bees to rob & they are pretty much ignoring them. normally there'd be a cloud of bees & the frames would be picked clean in a few hours. there's been a few hundred bees & this is the 3rd day & there's still a lot of honey left. i'll have to freeze them soon since leaving them overnight has exposed them to wax moths & i'm not sure how quickly those hatch.

storing frames of honey can be a pain sometimes. they are heavy & prone to leak. what i've  started doing is cutting open a trash bag & 'gift' wrapping the bottom hive body in a stack. that catches the dripping honey.

Offline Zweefer

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Re: odd observation
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2022, 11:52:30 am »
do you have a photo to help better explain?
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Offline rober

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Re: odd observation
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2022, 12:46:30 pm »

Offline Bakersdozen

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Re: odd observation
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2022, 12:48:13 pm »
Lately I have heard a couple of women say that they put excess honey in plastic totes with lids.  I got the impression that they found totes where the frames can stand up without problem.  There are so many different sizes and styles of plastic totes one would almost have to take some wooden frames with them when they went shopping. 

I acquired some full size commercial baking pans.  You can find these online or restaurant auctions.   I use them underneath stacks of honey supers and brood boxes.  It's a lot easier to wash those than hose down the floor.

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Re: odd observation
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2022, 01:11:26 pm »
Lately I have heard a couple of women say that they put excess honey in plastic totes with lids.  I got the impression that they found totes where the frames can stand up without problem.  There are so many different sizes and styles of plastic totes one would almost have to take some wooden frames with them when they went shopping. 

I acquired some full size commercial baking pans.  You can find these online or restaurant auctions.   I use them underneath stacks of honey supers and brood boxes.  It's a lot easier to wash those than hose down the floor.
I am one of those women.  :)  I have 3 of the large clear Sterlite or similar brand bins.  I use all mediums, and I can fit 15 medium frames into one bin usually.  I have 9 standing up and then I can lay 6 on the top bars of the standing ones.  I use them to store any frames with honey or pollen in them over the winter so the mice and hive beetles don't get at them.  Drawn blanks I put in my equipment stacks with mothballs.  This way when, and not if, there are any leaks, I can just hose out the bins. 

Just out of curiosity, is there a reason you aren't just extracting the extra honey?       
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Re: odd observation
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2022, 02:30:39 pm »
If there is a good nectar flow they will literally ignore everything else.
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Re: odd observation
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2022, 09:37:46 pm »
15th and Baker, same with the plastic bins. And Baker you are right about finding the right bin, complicated. But this Sterilite model really fits the bill. Like 15th, I can hold 10 med frames with about 4 on top at a laying angle, or 10 deeps.

I store literally all of my frames this way. They are all marked on the lid with masking tape. Honey, Empty honey frames, Laying.

You see how the sides of the clear plastic box are all flat? that is the ticket. The bin styles like the teal color box are not suitable. Plus I like the clear plastic because I can see inside.

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