One of my hives has a slatted rack on that has a little rotten spot on the side, very close to the front of the hive, which over the course of this season, developed into a small hole. I noticed a week or two ago that the bees had started chewing away at the wood, and one or two were coming out of the hive there, and today when I looked at it, it was much bigger. It's now maybe an inch and a half by an inch, and the bees are sitting in there chewing on the wood. Is there anything wrong with just letting them use this spot as their entrance? It's about the same size as the smallest opening on an entrance reducer. I could just turn their reducer sideways, blocking the whole landing board and let this be the entrance, and the cinder block below would serve as a landing pad essentially. Or, will they continue to chew away at the wood until it's structurally unsound, and should I close it up with tape or something? If I do, will they just open it again?