Author Topic: Greetings from Virginia!  (Read 7408 times)

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Offline CicadaDamage

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Greetings from Virginia!
« on: July 26, 2023, 11:14:53 am »
Hi all, the name I Tryg(Trig). I've been keeping bees for ~10 years now. Coincidentally, that was around the same time when we had the big cicada attack here in Virginia - i can't remember was it 2013 or 2014? Anyway, I've been around other forums, but found my way here, and thought i'd give you guys a try. Hopefully I won't be asked to link my google account or remove "bad" words from my posts. And I hope i never find myself looking at a domain-reseller or 404 error for this site! I actually consider myself a pretty well worded kinda guy(at least via text), so i don't think we will have any problems(but you never know, so pardon me in advance). I don't however believe in endless proofreading, and i think typos deserve a right to life, and should be allowed to exist in their natural state. ;) :P

Now on to bees: I must admit, for the last few year, i've been somewhat of a bee-haver, though I'm trying to get my numbers back up and make an honest effort to get some honey sales going. I currently have 8 or 9 living hives - not sure yet exactly, as i haven't opened them up this summer, though I'm trying to change that momentarily. I'm actually trying in the process of building some more tops and bottoms for the upcoming job.

Here is a picture of my new bee site i've been moving into over the past 2 years. All hives are either survivors or swarms i caught(I caught 3 this spring). 4 or 5 of the boxes are currently empty. I have stack of empty hives I'm repairing over behind the camera.

here're a couple links to my recent presence on Beemaster:

Hive Melter / Sterilizer (bench-top)
and some related pics:

Foundationless frames with wires
and the pics:

I think i still have an account on Beesource though i haven't logged in for awhile.

Anyway, I came here looking for some info on beehive design(for my current project building tops & bottoms), and realized i never introduced myself.

Pleased to meet you all!

*small edit: realized i misspelled Greetings*

Offline Bakersdozen

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Re: Greatings from Virginia!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2023, 12:20:13 pm »
Welcome to our forum, CicadaDamage!  Glad to have you join us and happy that you made your presence known to the group. We are a friendly group and tend to keep the conversations light.  Our members range from old timers to novices.   
You made find some helpful information on making your own equipment here.

Offline CicadaDamage

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Re: Greatings from Virginia!
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2023, 01:21:26 pm »
Hey, thanks! I'm looking there now. I really like the site. I'm also impressed with the search function!

Offline CicadaDamage

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Re: Greetings from Virginia!
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2023, 01:52:27 pm »
...I think i know what I'm going to do. Things always seem to take longer than expected. Hopefully I can finish assembling today, and then painting. Maybe I'll post about it later if i get time.

Offline neillsayers

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Re: Greetings from Virginia!
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2023, 02:28:15 pm »
Welcome Trig!
Neill Sayers
Herbhome Bees
USDA Zone 7a

Offline Zweefer

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Re: Greetings from Virginia!
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2023, 08:05:32 am »
Welcome. I would like to see the finished project!
Keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.
Henry David Thoreau

Offline CicadaDamage

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Re: Greetings from Virginia!
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2023, 05:30:04 pm »
Hey, just wanted to post a little progress report. I'm not sure when I'll get the time to make my post about the building my tops and bottoms, as i still need to get the pictures i took off my phone. As of now, I have completed constructions, and painting, and have installed the new hardware in the bee shed, and in the process did a couple quick splits(by the box), to bring my total number of hives temporarily up to 11. Subsequently my aunt had me catch a swarm on her grapes, and so then i had 12, though neither of my splits took, and then the swarm i caught decided to fly way so i was back to down to 9 again. I decided that one of my hives was so cantankerous that i decided to euthanize them with CO2 and harvest the honey. It was quite an ordeal; I've only tried this method once before using dry ice, and it went off without a hitch, but unfortunately i'm still having a fair amount of trouble with cross comb(trying to go foundationless) and so it was hard to shake the bees into the soapy water this time. I took pictures but I'm not sure when I'll get the time to organize them a write a post. My solar wax melter has been busted for a couple or years, and I'm trying figure out the best method now to build a new box and place the glass... ...and I'm trying to improve my woodshop in the process...

I did get ~6 gallons of honey though! And all from the one hive - i think that seems pretty good. I'm working on filtering some of it now(it was kinda dark).

...and then then there's still the couple dead hives i have to melt down now...

I'll keep you posted.