Well I tried my first cutout today. Got there kinda early. It was in the 40s. Tore out the plywood under the eve to expose the colony. Of course I was on a ladder.
My buddy had gave me his old shop vac because it didn`t suck strong enough. I thought that might be the ticket. I fashioned me a sling and carried the shop vac up the ladder and started vacuuming away. I tore the wood down without my jacket and veil. Had on just a pair of cloth gloves. First one got me in the temple and several on the hands. I swapped gloves and put on my jacket and veil. No more stings. I was really proud of myself. I don`t have any bees of my own. I have never opened a hive or worked with any bees whatsoever. So all I know is what I have learned off of this puter. Oh yea, I did use my brand spanking new smoker for the first time. Come to think of it, everything thing was brand spankin` new. Anyway, this person had bees there before, so there was plenty of old comb and very little new comb. Anyway I`m happy as can be until,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I went to dump my first bunch of bees into my holding box andddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd, guess what I found. Not one single live bee in about 3lbs of bees. I was terribly terribly sick and disgusted with myself.
Well I`m just a poor ole country boy, I`ve had two heart attacks, several stents, diabetes, and I live on prozac. The kicker is I`m only 53, anyway not trying to bore ya`ll with my problems. Long story short, I live from dollar to dollar. I`m trying for my disability. I`ve got 18 months in it right now. You know if you have worked all your life and paid taxes and served your country in the military, you are pretty much forgot.
I`m getting of topic. Sorry Admin.
Long story short. I am really tight for money. I didn`t charge the lady anything because they looked to be in the same shape as me. There was still over half the bees there and I had to do something. A good friend of mine helped me out. I went to Lowe`s and bought a bucket and some fittings and 24 ft of sump pump hose and fashioned me, an inline bucket with a way to cut the pressure down. I went back about 4 this afternoon and tried it again. My bucket worked almost perfect. Got the rest of the bees. The few that was left were acting lost, so I am hoping I got the queen on the second try. I think so, because they were balling up in a pretty good size wad and all of a sudden, they quit wadding up and starting acting lost. I packed up, the lady handed me some dollars and everything is good. Oh by the way, no dead bees the second go round or very few. I wound up with half a 5 gallon bucket of bees even after I killed all those this morning.. I am a happy newbeek.