There was only one excluder. This was a 5 frame deep nuc Iddee gave me last November. I put a medium of honey on it when I got home. They brought in pollen all through the winter and made lots of bees. I had 6 medium nuc boxes on it as well as the original deep when it got warm enough to put it in a regular hive. I wanted to convert it to an all medium hive, so I made sure the queen was in the medium nuc boxes and then and hived them.
The deep nuc had 2 full frames of capped brood and 1 frame of eggs, larvae, and capped brood. I added 5 more frames of honey and put the excluder on with the idea that in 24 days, the worker and any drone brood would have emerged and I could remove the deep and add additional medium supers. I checkerboarded brood frames in 2 mediums and put an additional medium of drawn, open comb on the top of supers for a total of 1 deep and 5 medium 10 frame supers. I had an inner cover that has a small upper entrance, and I left that open. If the queen was going to go with a swarm, she would have to go through the top. I was not trying to prevent swarming as such; I was trying to keep the queen from continuing to lay in the deep.
The bees decided to swarm and tried for 2 days in a row. The video is of the second day. Even though I am not seeing many drones in my other hives and don't have actual knowledge of any other drone producing hives in the neighborhood, Iddee suggested that I go ahead and split the hive. I had a friend come over and help. We found an unmated queen and put her in a nuc with bees brood and food. We found the fertile queen and put her in another nuc with support and resources and we made 2 other complete medium hives with multiple capped queen cells, food, brood, and bees. I would love to have a 3 pound package of drones just about now.
I have doubts that the virgin queen will get mated, but the weather seems to be getting better so that maybe the 2 full hives will be able to send new queens on mating flights and find drones.
I don't usually use queen excluders, but will for a specific purpose like this. One excluder. Only one excluder.