Last year I had one of my colonies go full blown AHB,and they went after me mowing,then when I retreated to the house,I walked(actually ran)past the chicken coop and they found and killed 2 of the 4 chickens before I could suit up to go rescue them.I ended up having to destroy the hive by recommendation of my state bee inspector.
This Spring I noticed bees starting to become increasingly more and more aggressive while we were planting the Spring veggie garden over the past few weeks.Once you've experienced AHB you know the tell tale signs to look for,like bees(and not just 1 or 2,I mean a dozen or more) traveling up to 100 ft. from the hives,with one intent and that's trying relentlessly sting you with absolutely no provocation.I knew for sure last week when mowing because the bees normally never get upset when I mow behind the hives,and this time they poured out of the 2 hives(just like a year ago)luckily I was suited up because they came at me in hordes on the other side of the yard over 100ft away 2 weeks before when mowing.
So I again called the bee inspector who told me it would be 2 to 3 weeks before she could come out and take samples(which I feel was going to be a waste of time)she did this time give me an possible alternative solution to killing the hives,and that was to try a method she's had success with requeening AHB.I was a little reluctant at first then listened to what she had to say.
She told me to first make the colonies queenless,and also eliminate all drones and drone cells I find(which I've alredy done last week.Then 4 days later go back and check for any queen cells forming and kill anymore drones I find as well as eliminating all queen cells,and then requeen a day later.I went through them today)and they of course had started dozens of queen cells some of which were already capped.This way they have no way to start anymore queen cells.
Tomorrow I have 4 new queens ordered with my queen supplier and will requeen the 2 suspected AHB hives,and also my other 2 hives that are ok and not in the least aggressive.I hope this works because down here in Florida we are in the middle of our Spring flow,but I seriously doubt I'll get any honey from the 2 AHB hives.
I post the progress as it goes.