I have Win 7 and am pleased with it but--
1. It costs money and
2. You have to pay to install "Office" and other selected programs.
Perry, Allow me to climb out on a branch and sggest you give a try to Ubuntu. It takes some getting used to but the learning curve isn't really that hard for the basic needs of one who writes emails, surfs the internet, talks on Skype, visits the forum and posts pictures.
It is totally free and comes with thousands of free programs you can download from the internet. Even better, it is not plagued by viruses so you don''t have to pay for virus protection. It updates constantly with no costs or problems.
Most people who stay away from it do so because it is an "unknown". But remember, it is free so you have absolutely nothing to lose from trying it.
I have one computer dedicated to Ubuntu, connected to my home network by wi-fi and find it to be quite acceptable.