Author Topic: I was advised to introduce myself...  (Read 11976 times)

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Offline efmesch

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Re: I was advised to introduce myself...
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2014, 02:26:40 pm »
Thanks for responding Jeff,  I always have a special feeling for those who grow up in one place and find it to continue as their home for a liffetime. 
I think you're doing wisely by re-starting with two hives.  One can always serve as a "backup" for the other, in case of unexpected problems.

Offline riverbee

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Re: I was advised to introduce myself...
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2014, 06:07:44 pm »
" I a bit nervous about bears where I am, though...  I may be investing in a small electric fence, or something... Time will tell!"

jeff, just catching up on your thread... you have package bees coming soon (cool that you posted that on the calendar!) a word of advice about bears and bees.  if you have bears in your area, you want a fence up, because the bears will find your hives at some point. small electric fence?  not sure what you mean by this, but your fencer needs to have enough voltage or 'joules' to deliver a hefty shock to the bear, and also, it's important how you set up your fencing and grounding.  i use a solar fencing unit by parmak. 

i posted this in another thread for someone else:

"make sure you have enough joules/voltage and electric fencing (not just one wire strung around it) so that the voltage from a shock is enough to send them on their way.  minimum joule to keep black bears out is 0.7 or more. voltage varies with the fencer, so the joule rating is what you want to look at. 0.7 joules can vary in voltage output and other factors from 6,000 volts upwards.  i think mine runs between 8,000 and 10,000 volts. "

the thread is here:
Fenced Enclosure

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