I have been thinking about this for a long time. When mentioned.. Everyone has said.. "It's not worth it, don't do it."
So I let it drop for the most part...
Laying in bed annoying the wife with crinkly pages of old bee culture magazines.. this one happened to be the Feb 2012 issue on page 15, an article by Kim Flottum about Ball Rebook volume 1 & 2 it specifically states...
Twenty acres, planted with the right crops and managed correctly can support almost 200 colonies, produce several harvestable crops for additional income, improve the land.... etc, etc....
So the idea is back in my head...
Large bales of good quality forage sell for 100 - 120 dollars each. Lets just say I can make $70.00 each on them.
With two cuttings from my land I can easily produce 200 large round bales. probably closer to 240, but we will say 200 to make it easy.. thats $14000.00
Of course, that requires the equipment. Tractor, mower, rake, Baler.. I have the tractor and mower, so I need a rake and a round baler.
So wondering how many colonies 40 acres will support if planted in Alsike Clover, White clover, Sweet clover and Sainfoin. could even sew in a goodly variety of wild flowers. With Raspebrries, and mulberry trees along the fencerows, with multi flower rose all along the crick bottoms and a few apple and cherry trees added in for good measure.
Is anyone aware of any studies done?
The hay alone is worth more than I currently make on cash rent.
So thinking about the two hundred available acres at this site. In bee forage that would translate into about a thousand bales. Even at only $50.00 per bale, and if only cut twice a year to allow GOOD bloom... two hundred colonies would be excessively supported, provide a decent income from hay sales, and allow for more income with honey/nuc/queen sales..
What do you think?
yes, its raining and I am bored.