Today was the day. 25 degrees and no wind, saw the first dandelions of the year and the first cherry blossoms are peaking out. So I went into my strong hive (2 deeps full of bees and brood). I pulled three frames of mostly capped brood and the old queen. The queen was on the third frame I looked at

. To that I added 2 empty drawn frames and one blank frame and a styrofoam follower board. Then I shook in a frame of brood bees and put on the inner cover. On top of the inner cover I put another box with some wonky honey frames from last year. The only thing missing is a good frame of pollen, I'll try to add one soon.
Now for the OTS part. I looked through the top deep and found a frame with young larvae. I notched about 4 of them. I wanted queen cells on 2 frames, but was unable to locate more newborn larvae, so I notched several eggs on another frame (we'll see if they do anything with those).
Now I get to see what happens. We have one more warm day and then a couple of cold ones with overnight frost. Hopefully the Nuc manages to stay warm enough.
I'll update in a few days (hopefully with some nice queen cell pictures).