For Ef- When the hives started to move toward swarming (raising new queens):
1. Did the bees seem at all crowded (did they cover most of the frames in mid day (at the time when a laarge percentaage of the family is out at work)?
Absolutely Yes! I was learning about nucs and splits so that I would know what to do come May 1st. The bees beat me to it by swarming on March 16th. 6 weeks early
2. Did you give them frames for building? When they are busy expanding, they have less time to plan for swarming.
Two deeps: At the time they had an open bottom deep, I was planning a split, but didn't know about switching the bottom to the top. I do know that now
3. Was there adequate ventilation---wide enough an entrance to keep the hives from running hot? (Had you cleaned away the accumuations of propolis around the inner sides of the entrance, the floor and the frames' tops and sides)?
No.. was getting ready to do that by learning how to split first. But I do believe there was adequate ventilation...
4. Did the hives have enough room for expansion?
This was the part I didn't know about before this years swarms. The bottom deep was pretty empty, I thought they would go down, they didn't. And I've learned from other beeks that their bees didn't go down either. That's when it's time to switch the bottom to the top. I can do that next year.... if I have any bees left
Ef- I assume you probably have the correct answer for these questions, but figure that they should be addressed anyway.
Jen- Yes! I have learned a multitude of great information since January. And you my friend Ef, are one of my favorites to listen to because you teach in a simple manner that is easy to understand. Thank you from my bee heart ~Hugs for you~