I hope, as the drama of the bees life unfolds, that the emphasis on a specific TYPE of bee shifts to something a little more reasonable.. like wanting LIVE bees that keep living.. despite Varroa, Nosema, AFB and pesticides.. In preparing to produce nuc's and queens I have thought about it a bit, and have come to the conclusion that when people ask me what type of bees I have, I will tell them LIVE ones that survive...
Like the bee tree in my fathers yard.. I have done cut outs on OLD hives. One such cut out had three feet of OLD comb stacked in the bottom of the wall cavity where it had fallen through the course of time. The upcoming cut out is from a newly purchased OLD property.. the original owners were forth gen, the new owner decided he didn't want to deal with the bees in the barn wall, so I am looking forward to those genetics going to my feral yard.
Bees with yellow stripes, bees with black tail tips, bees with gray stripes, and some bees that are predominantly black all inhabit my hives. Even the bees coming from specific locations, with claims of "Italian" look more Carniolan to me.. but I am OK with that, because as I make my own queens from the best queens I have, I expect them to become even more diverse.. Mutts, in the truest sense of the word... ALL AMERICAN bees!