I have an overwintered nuc that is dwindling. I can tell by the dimishing number of bees, the shrinking of the capped brood, chilled brood further out on the edges, etc.
It is queenright, I can see her, and the brood she is laying is worker. There are now only about 4 dozen bees left in there with her.
What I am seeing though, is that there are many cells within that brood pattern that have 2 or even 3 eggs in them.
If I was guessing, I would say that she is just desperate to lay and keeps laying in the only area that the few remaining bees can manage. These eggs are all positioned correctly, in the bottom of the cells.
This is a queen Adam and I grafted last year from one of my best hives, so I didn't want to give up on her. I went into another hive and pulled 2 frames of capped brood and bees (1 frame had emerging bees) and dropped them in, and shook bees from 2 other open brood frames during the height of the day. I waited a few minutes and then looked and found her walking around on one of the new frames.
I guess time will tell.