zweefer, very cool to see your children excited and interested in your beekeeping adventures!
some quotes from you, apis and gardenhive, followed by some comments from me:
"As for the nucs themselves, they were a bit different then i had expected. Several frames had been repaired (metal braces on the frames) and the comb was wonky on several. I had to scrape propolis off the ends of the frames to get them to fit in the super. The rest made up for it though, as they looked like newer comb, and was straight. I am not saying I was expecting virgin frames and comb, but was hoping for something that would be a bit easier to install... Is this normal on a nuc?"
"in photo 6 the bee population on the frame looks to barely cover the brood. this could be caused by drift back of foragers when the nuc was made up. it is hard to tell from 1 frame but haw was the population of bees in the nuc box?"
"I too thought population was a bit sparse..."
"By the looks of things, you got just fair nucs. I didn't see any capped honey around the brood in the photos. The one dark brood frame was (just that), not wonky comb. I'm not crazy about that because there are no bees on it. Hopefully it had pollen and nectar in it. "
i know the supplier zweefer. in recent years he figured out rather quickly he could make some extra money adding 'nucs' to his business because of the influx of new beekeepers. is this a nuc? yes and no, and the metal frames, wonky dark comb is just someone else's junk cycled out and sold to you. empty frames are unacceptable, bees need pollen and honey to be healthy. from his website this is what you should have received, and i see no honey or pollen or a population of bees that ought to be in those nucs:
"5 Frame nucleuses Colony with new queen
Our nucs will be coming out of Texas around the first part of May (depending on weather). They will have at
least 3 frames with brood and 2 frames with honey and pollen. The queens are raised using Italian –Carnelian
cross. Experience shows these to be good producers. "
what you were sold are divided hives made into nucs, with bees and brood and a newly introduced queen, not a proven laying queen, and she was most likely directly released into the nuc. (he teaches direct release). not sure if he purchased hives from texas and had them shipped up here, and divided them himself, (my guess given the lack of bees, pollen and honey), and also where these queens come from. they are not his queens.
i don't purchase nucs of this sort. i purchase 5 frame nucs with a proven laying queen, that are typically overflowing with bees and brood and the appropriate frames of pollen and honey. like garden hive said a 'fair nuc', and as apis said about the population, i would say you received a nuc that is less than fair. he asks for beeks to return the cardboard boxes. if it were me, i would tell him the nucs were less than satisfactory, and i wouldn't return them. did you have 3 frames of brood with bees covering that brood? did you have 2 frames of honey/pollen?
sorry i don't mean to rain on your parade, but i have seen too many new beeks with problems from this supplier. he used to teach beeks who took his classes, to destroy their bees in the fall, not to waste money to feed them, or treat them for mites and let them die off of cold and starvation, and just order packages and nucs for the following spring, that it was cheaper. not sure if he has changed his tune on this. i disagree with this practice, and how will any new beekeeper learn to keep bees, and have a successful honey crop?
with that said, he is a knowledgeable beekeeper, but i think unscrupulous in that he is willing and does take advantage of unsuspecting new beekeepers like yourself. so sorry this happened to you. i was hesitant to say anything, because i know how excited you were and are. so the next step is to help you get these 2 hives booming. we have a good nectar flow on with the dandelions and with the incoming pollen will encourage the new queens to lay, and also with the feed on. also the feed will help, because there probably isn't enough foragers. it will take them sometime to build up, so just be patient.
i would pay particular close attention to the queen's laying patterns the next time you go in the hives.
sorry about the 'rain parade' just being honest.......and we are all here to help ya get them squared away!!!