i think like scott and iddee have said.....diplomacy, being firm and keeping your cool is a good thing when business deals go badly, and not bend down to their level of not being on the same planet as the rest of us. in spite of what zweefer has been through, the experience will serve to developing skills as a beekeeper, a little sooner for the situation at hand, and also helping another beek out sometime down the road. not what anyone really wants right off the start line, but it happens, and we can support him. the internet is powerful, and also word spread through the local clubs and other beeks. my experience has been that it is rather difficult to put someone out of business unless you are prepared to do it and spend hours/months or a year or two or three of your time doing so, and i have. it doesn't happen overnight.
sometimes it's best just to move on.
credit to you zweefer, keeping your cool, and trying to work this out with him. he failed. you didn't. you are a better person than he is.
congratulations, you are officially a beekeeper now zweefer.......
guess we need to dig out a gold star.......?
dunno, can't find one right now in my photobucket acct.....wait, i think that's perrys department........
but how's this, couldn't find a gold hive tool, but it works.......