Hi Everyone,
My name is Ted and I live in Henry County Iowa (southeastern Iowa). I have one Langstroth hive and installed a package of bees on Friday evening. It was cold (52 F) overcast and sprinkling rain. Come 2:30 am Saturday morning I woke up with the sure and certain knowledge that I'd killed all my bees. I lay in bed second guessing every step I made. I should have waited until warmer weather on Saturday, I shouldn't have sprayed them at all, I was way to aggressive with the "thump and dump". Did I position the queen cage correctly? No, I should have placed her closer to the center of the frame. Will I be able to get another package in time? Oh yeah, they're dead for sure. Darn it! I knew I should have....blah, blah, blah. Come Saturday noon the bees were busy buzzing around the hive going in and coming out as bees, I assume, do. Opened the hive about 5:00 Saturday evening and there they were! The queen is almost free, and it looks as though they are drawing comb! What a strange and exhilarating feeling! I mean, it's not as if I've done anything, but boy, I sure was excited! Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Ted