So glad to see you here Stonefence!

Yes, I have been absent to some extent from this place I call home. I have been soooo busy with inspections that I have not been able to keep up, even with my own bees.
A scoop? Is that what you all are looking for?
Well Stonefence has been gracious enough not to say anything but I guess I will.
Stonefence and her friend came to pick up 2 nucs each. They followed me to one of my yards, and then got in my truck for the short trip through waist high grass to get to the hives and nucs. As I was backing the truck up to the hives, staring into the rearview mirror, I heard "Hey, what's that hanging in the tree?"
Sure enough!!!!
Not the most professional way to show new keeps how I do things!

It seems like all I am doing is putting out fires with my own bees, but thankfully the inspections are drawing to a close over the next few weeks. I should be seen here more often shortly.