Appendix bust, pertinitis, got septisemia, was a few hours away from no longer being a contributor to this forum. Of course rode my cycle to work the morning after night of worshipping the porcelain goddess, actually came in early for OT, came home early feeling terrible, went to dr who said was stomach virus, but ordered cat scan ( time frame Wednesday night into Thursday, became ill, went to work 4AM home 9AM dr office 1:30 PM. Friday evening my lady and I are on phone I was sooo sick I was telling her ( Bonnie is a RN ) I was seeing stick figures everytime I closed my eyes. She insisted I cal 911 or she would. I did. Was in hospital within 20 minutes, was in surgery withinn 15 minutes of arrival.
Note: doctors office attempted to call me sometime on Friday but was so sick I missed it.