Well i checked my immune system out today, a customer of ours sold her house to a young couple with two children and the boy is allergic to bee stings. The storage building has a colony of bees in the wall and she ask (begged me to get them out)
It was cloudy and raining off and on all day,but i went anyway, i cut the inside wall out and they had two sets of comb 16 in. wide and 4 ft. long between the studs and of course eveyone was home.
. There must of been 6 to 8 lbs of bees home and they weren't happy when i started cutting brood comb out and put it in frames, i got all the worker brood comb(9 deep frames) and left alot of drone brood comb. I also cut out a 5 gallon bucket of honey comb, don't know if i got the queen or not? you can't see much with a small flashlight. I scooped and smoked most of them into the hive and started to leave, but thought i'd look at there outside entrance
there must of been 3 lbs. of bees around the entrance and it was raining. I set a empty deep super under them and set the hive on top of it and brushed them off into the hive put the lid on put duct tape over there old entrance and left them there till tomorrow. When i got home i took my shirt off and looked in the mirror it remind me of when i had chicken pocks
The girls had a better time than i did.