Today is the day... WAS.. the day...
Yesterday, TedH (Eagle Eye Ted ) came down so we set up our "starter" colony.. If any of you have been through my site I dont use starter and finishers for the amount of queens I try to make, but yesterday we built up a pretty strong Nuc.. 4 Strong frames of capped brood, some starting to emerge, and about 4 shakes of nurse bees.
They got a jar of syrup put on top of them and left for the night.
Today, TedH came back down.. We went up to one of the outyards and pulled a freshly built frame filled with eggs and larvae from one of the expensive VSH queens I installed this spring..
The punch table was all set up before hand....
So all that was left was to begin finding the larvae of the right age...
Unfortunately, at this point I stopped thinking about the camera, so I didnt get any pictures of myself punching cells, waxing the back of them and setting them into the cups... Sorry..
However! I did get a picture of Eagle eye himself trying his hand!!!
We punched fifteen cells, settled them into the bar and slid the bar into the queenless colony we built yesterday, beside a frame of pollen and nectar.
I'll go out in three or four days and see how many of the cells they are working. I am hoping for ten to twelve this go round. Now there is only the waiting!