Yes indeed a swarm and a cut out is a totally different set up.
I find the queen excluder is just extra crap to carry when collecting a swarm.
Keep in mind the queens in a swarm have been slimed down so she can fly a bit. I just keep them closed up tight for a day or so to calm down and get a frame of brood to add to them as soon as I open them.
I take a hanger for my comb bucket and a rope to raise and lower it if it is high up and I am working on a ladder. I put a step on the ladder to make a little platform to stand on as my legs and feet can't since I am old take a lot of up and down on the ladder.

I take 3 five gallon pails of water minim one I just rinse in and one has some dish soap in it for the final wash up.
I also like rubber gloves.

I also like rubber bands made from tractor intertubes. I get them from tractor salvage yards normally free for the asking. One 13.9x38 will last a long time.
