Scott- "For some reason she got real nice to me, but I think it was just to tell me goodbye?
Scott!.... you're getting delirious with coughing. Last winter when I had the bronc, three docs didn't give me any meds, they believed that the body had to tough this viral bronc out. Otherwise, it comes back bigger and badder. Stay Down! Lots of hot decafinated tea and plenty of lemon and honey everyday, large glasses of warm honey water. Sleep in your recliner, not on your back. Stay away from caffeine, it makes you p__ more, and what you need is to stay hydrated. Like I mentioned in the other post... the 4 men, in their prime that died last winter all had bronc... it wasn't the bronc that killed them... it was dehydration!
Okay, I'm off my mom/nurse mode... but not for long... hang in there buddy