Hi Everyone,
I couldn't decide if this should go in the preserving section or the recipe section of the forum. I made an executive decision and here it is. If it should be moved I hope someone will do so. Also, I know there was a thread asking about pickle recipes maybe it should go there. But, these are that good.
I think this recipe originated with my sister-in-laws family. I got the recipe from my brother Toby, hence the name. I will say that for me this is far and away THE BEST DILL PICKLE I've ever eaten. Tastes do vary so....
Brine: 13 cups water, 6 cups dark apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup canning salt.
Ingredients that go in each clean and sterile quart jar: 1 tooth garlic, 1/8 tsp alum, 1 tsp sugar, 1 dry red chili, 1 large sprig dill. If you like garlic add more, if you like spicy add more dry peppers, if you like dill...you got it! I know you shouldn't mess with recipes when it comes to canning but these additions will not effect the overall acidity.
Pick and clean cucumbers.
Add ingredients to clean and sterile quart jars
Bring brine to a boil.
Stuff jars with freshly picked and cleaned cucumbers. Fill jars with boiling hot brine leaving 1/2 inch head space. Wipe jar rim, and seal using a hot, sterile lid.
Sit back and listen for that beautiful sound of popping lids.
Yeah man, it's that easy!
People seem to like the crispy dills, so do I. I think the variety of cucumber you grow is important as far as crispiness (I use "Double Yield") and you probably have one that works for you. The other thing I've found is the cukes need to be FRESHLY PICKED. The cucumbers I pick today and can tomorrow will be much less crunchy than the cucumbers I pick today, clean, and can today! Picking in the morning and canning at night also resulted in less crunchy pickles. Just sayin. Also, the cucumbers that got a little big are not as crunchy as the smaller cucumbers. I've found that the cukes that got too big make good hamburger pickles if you slice them up.
That last paragraph is just what I've found to be true for me. Maybe your experience is different, which makes us both right!
Anyway, I hope you like the pickles as much as we do! Ted