New hive laid out:
Before you ask, yes, I did paint this hive. I used a clear sealant to preserve the natural wood look
I like it better that way.
The original nuc, still closed:
Now open. These bees were quite gentle. They occasionally expressed their displeasure (loudly), but no actual stings even on the suit or gloves. Just some buzzing and complaining. I just used a tiny bit of smoke when I first opened it -- didn't need any after that.
All but one frame now in the new hive:
Finished! All the frames are in the new hive, then I just had to dump bees out of the empty nuc so I could move it away.
Some pictures of comb. The first one is egg cells, but I'm a terrible photographer when I'm carrying a frame and I took it at a bad angle -- sorry. In the second one, though, you can see capped brood and several open cells with larvae.
And...the closed up hive. Ain't she pretty
Thank you Gypsi! Very excited. Wish me luck wintering these bees. Fortunately Texas has very light winters so I have high hopes for them.