Treating 40 hives for a dollar seems like pennies to me!!! And then every time you treat again the "cost" falls further..
I really dislike the disruption and problems caused by most treatments, but that is NOT why I dont use them.. I WOULD use them if I ever needed to.. I am just too CHEAP to pay that kind of money when I do not feel it does not need to be spent.. Ten dollars of OAV will treat 400 Plus hives. It does NOT disrupt the hive in ANY WAY that i have been able to discern. My three treatments are done, I still have all my queens, and I did not notice any brood taken out. No extra/different bearding after treatment. All is well at this point! Oh, and two mite counts per apiary I didnt find ANY mites, so I have returned to confidence and comfort in the use of OAV!