He rode out to my house to help me merge my queenless hive 1 with another hive, and my choice to merge it with was hive 2, the split I made when I bought a central Texas queen from Bweaver. I had bought a queen for hive 1, but either they kicked her out or she made a departure, I had a toddler here the weekend after I added her and could not investigate the lump of bees under the bottom board...
And we were planning to get stickies under the hives.
Hive 1 was still queenless. But hive 2, when I got ready to stack it on top of hive 1, appeared queenless. No eggs, no brood. So closed up with feed jar, move on to hive 3, confirm brood and stick hive 1's 2 boxes on hive 3. Above inner cover and a newspaper, with feed jar on top.
Then on to the big hive, was my beautiful golden queen still safe. No problem finding uncapped and capped brood there.
Beautiful laying pattern:
http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n406/gypsi_fw/PA040507_zpsddb79a7b.jpgPollen and beebread same frame.
http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n406/gypsi_fw/PA040508_zps17f55014.jpgThe big hive got stuck with a medium of all but 1 empty frame during the 19th or 20th of September split. They really needed one of hive 1's two Boxes of stores, comb and waxworkers, so I needed an inner cover to support the newspaper division to add. And I'd messed up and left it on hive 2.
And in opening hive 2 (going to be added to some hive or another), found a lady on the lid. The new queen came out, went up between the inner cover and the lid, and never found a place to lay apparently. Two sets of eyes peering through the pile of bees on top of her, the dark central Texas queen really was there, and has since been put IN the frames, no inner cover, and we swiped that beautiful brood frame from my big hive (whose queen is endlessly prolific and patient) The third queen:
http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n406/gypsi_fw/PA040509_zps9a78a3bf.jpgSo hive 2 is now hive 1. In hive 1's place for now a medium box with a frame in it. Returning workers already got dumped into the top of hive 3 before closing it up again after getting the big hive its long overdue box of comb (above newspaper of course.)
Chaos reigns. Have to do something about hive 1's workers, either get them more comb or empty them into the top of a hive with their sisters tomorrow.
For now, yes we have pictures. Enjoy!