This is a removal from a Geo home this summer. I don't normally do removals from homes.
Took a job of removing bees from a Geo home. The home was not finished yet so I didn't mind taking the job as we normally do not do homes. With the pop up rain showers Thursday And Friday plus the fore cast on Saturday we finished the 16 hour job on Sunday. To start we worked on the out side where a door will be some day that right now is almost 20 feet up I estimated. I had to cut the rubberized canvas type material away so I could get to them. it was fairly easy with a sharp utility knife. What about killed me beside the heat and humidity was going up and down the ladder with the brood and queen cells which I found 11 that were capped and more that were not.
Any way I finished and will have pictures to post on Thursday if noting else comes up.
The vac I do have a picture of. the bees go thru a clear 1 inch hose into a hive.

Some of the pictures.
There is going to be door here when the home is finished. Note the two dark spots entrances for the bees.

Cutting the rubber material so I can get to the bees. there was a 1/4 inch concrete layer under the rubber stuff.

Got the vac hose up there to take bees out of the opening while I work on the concrete..
Finally open and starting the suction of bees off the comb.

6 inches of comb at the top.

Very hot and humid day, needed a water break.

Got to cut a little section of comb out then carry it down the ladder.

the comb gets placed in frames then rubber bands hold it in place till the bees build comb to anchor it solid. This is some of it with queen cells. I count 4 that are capped and one ready for capping and one more started.

Lots of drone (male bee) cells capped too.
Almost finished but the lighting chased me off the ladder.

Will finish it on day 3.

Day 3 there was no more brood comb so I had a bucket to put the honey comb I cut out in. Once full I lowered it down to Kare to hook another bucket to the rope.

Finished YEA.
